International Man.

World Travel. Traditional Jazz. Modern Technology.


Working as a Main Swing Jazz & Blues DJ since 2008 for international swing dance events in places such as Budapest, Krakow, Istanbul, and other locations (e.g. Lindy Shock, Dragon Swing, Orient Lindy Express)

Speaking as an MC for international dance events, delivering the unique vision of each event he speaks for, such as dressing up as a bee for Vienna's Honey Swing event.

Teaching internationally for dance workshops, teaching residencies, and private lessons, in Lindy Hop, Balboa, Blues Dance, and Authentic Solo Jazz. Taught for events such as Budapest's Lindy Shock and Krakow's Dragon Swing.


Developing and launching websites quickly, sometimes within 2 days, using web tools, PHP, Javascript, DHTML, CSS, and other programming/markup languages.

Working with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning algorithms, in languages such as Python, Java, Perl, and C.

6 years of professional IT Consulting through Accenture, notably a year in Australia and a year in Holland, working on large-scale telecom projects.